Friday, 30 August 2013

What about me last semester?

The last semester of this year I decided to take 5 optional courses: Violence and agression in the infant-juvenile clinic perspective, Introduction to the qualifications for my degree, workshop of innovative qualitative methodology, Clinic psychology for couples and fathers and deinstitutionalization and alternative care for smaller kids considering their rights. I believe that my favourite subject was Clinic psychology for couples and fathers, because the classes were very interesting and we had many guests to gave us classes.

In my free time I travelled to Punta Arenas two times  (the seven weeks of strike allowed this) in the last week of May and 5 days in the middle of July. Also, I  continued working as a packer in the Tottus supermarket some days and went out with my friends a lot.

About problems I really don´t remember any very big, only the frequently ordinary problems for example small discussions with my brother about the food or domestic things. The unique problem, not personal but important about my family was the news about the divorce of my uncles (the brother of my mother) and the problems that they had.

I hope that this semester is better and more interesting than the past.